Saturday, October 30, 2010


Typical Conversations with a One-Year Old and a Three-Year Old:

Dane:  Uh-ohhhh!
Jacob: What did he say, Mommy?
Mommy: He said, "Uh-oh."
Jacob: WHHHyyyyyyyy???

During Breakfast on Saturday:

 (Gary had on a shirt that I really like to see him in.)
Me:  (Thinking no one else was really listening...) Gary, you look hot in that shirt.
Jacob:  Yeah, Dad, you look hot!
(ERUPTION of laughter from Mommy and Daddy!)
Gary: (Covering) Yeah, I'm feeling pretty warm at the moment!

(I had gone to Dunkin and picked up a couple of donuts, which we were all eating.
Jacob LOVES sprinkles on his donuts.)
Jacob:  Mom, can I have another donut?
Me: No, there aren't any more donuts with sprinkles.
Jacob:  Oh.  Well, THAT's frustrating!

Oh, they say the darndest things!  We just kept laughing!