Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Jacob turns 2!

Believe it or not, Jacob turned 2 today! It is astounding how fast the time has gone. Everyone tells you that, but experiencing the phenomenon just baffles me.

We had a fun day. The Sharps came to play and have lunch. At dinner we sang Happy Birthday to Jacob and gave him his present from Gary's "Aunt" Geri and "Uncle" Harry. Jacob liked our song so much that he started singing, too. "Happy to me..." OH. SO. CUTE!

This weekend we'll go to Grandma Merry and Grandpa John's house to celebrate Jacob's birthday with our family, and his friend Aaron's, too! Aaron will be 2 next week, also, and the Sharps have become family to us. It will be fun!

Until then, enjoy these photos from today, and a couple of Jacob entertaining Dane earlier in the week. Such a good big brother!

Happy Birthday to Jacob!

Blowing out the candles:

Opening his presents:

Having fun with baby Dane:


Hermann8er said...

How great! Hauoli la hanau Jacob!! Are you old enough to surf yet? We're ready to teach you! Aloha!!!

Lora said...

Such a cutie! Looks like he had a pretty great birthday! Dane is getting so big already.