Sunday, November 29, 2009

Dane - Four Months

Well, everybody - Here we are!  Dane is four months old!
It's hard to believe that I already have a deck of photos for him and can watch as he has changed and grown.  He is quite the talker these days, and has a STRONG GRIP!  He especially likes to hold onto his sleeve when I'm changing his clothes, and MY sleeve when I'm changing his diaper!  This does NOT make the process faster.  :)

Here is the latest installment in the story of Dane:

Have a great day!


Hermann8er said...

Oh my my! He is SO CUTE!!! Just love love love his hair!!! ALOHA DANE!!!!

Jaime said...

I can't get over his hair!! Sooooo cute! I think he looks like his mommy!