Monday, November 17, 2008

Temporary Insanity?

I don't know what got into me this evening, but I decided that it was time:
- Time to give Jacob his first haircut -
And I just started cutting!!! (I almost forgot to take pictures!) I had been thinking about going to my beautician all day, and then I decided that I could remember what she did. So I got out my tools: a couple of combs (one for me, one for Jacob), my sewing scissors, paper towel, a spray bottle (also used as a toy by Jacob), and Gary's cell phone (the best distraction yet!). I snipped twice on top and twice on each side, evened up the curls over the ears, and voila! Now - don't ask a professional's opinion on the job. They'll tell you it looks like his mommy did it. But I think it's not too bad!

Before: Looking pretty shaggy!

The first snip:

The finished product:
Side views:

The beautiful curls in back - I didn't touch those!

The proof:


Sarah said...

I've always heard that the best haircuts look like you didn't have one, and I think it applies here. Good job! Now what to do with those little locks you cut off... how do you get that kind of stuff into a digital scrapbook? :-)

scaccogirl said...

It becomes a Hybrid! :)