Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Cutest Buns on the Block

As some of you may know, we have begun using cloth diapers for Dane.
(We thought about doing it with Jake when he was tiny, but I didn't know much
about cloth diaper options back then, and the daycare won't do it, so we didn't get
very far.) I have a handful of "pocket-style" cloth diapers from the attempt on Jakey,
and now also have a full stash of "prefold" diapers (like our parents used on us when
we were little) and a few covers to go over the top. Here is our current setup:

We're using baby washcloths for wipes (so everything goes into the wash, instead of picking
out wipes to throw in the trash) and a homemade wipes solution, in the green spray bottle.
We are liking the cloth diapers for their environmental friendliness, their lack of chemicals,
and the cost savings over disposables (I got set up with the prefolds and covers for a little over $60).
But, by far, the best part about cloth diapering is the CUTE diaper covers that are available!
Here is a photo of the diaper cover that arrived at our house this week:

I purchased this cover on Etsy, the online store for buying and selling handmade items,
from a store called Olive Jane Designs. It's actually a more expensive cover, in the scheme
of things, but it was so cute I had to have it. :)

And now, Dane has the cutest buns on the block! Take a look:

See, doesn't he look happy? (I'm SURE its because of his cute buns...)


Sarah said...

hip hip hooray!!! I love that you're sharing your success with everyone. Your baby's buns are cute, indeed, and I'm sure they thank you for avoiding all the nasty stuff in sposies. Keep it up!

Rebecca said...

With buns that cute, who could resist??

A friend of mine's mom is sewing the diaper covers for her... no idea where she got the pattern, but let me know if you want me to find out.

scaccogirl said...

Rebo - I am going to attempt to make the Chloe Toes diaper cover pattern I downloaded, but I'd love her opinion on which patterns fit/work the best. I have a really cute idea in the making! Yay! I can't wait! :)

Hermann8er said...

Yeah!! I'm sure we'll be following your lead when it's our turn for kiddos!